Saturday, March 21, 2015

Malcolm Fraser 1930-2015

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The Man or The Saint

He, with a brave heart, rose above all odds
With kindness, with the love of God
Embraced those in despair in his hands
Is He The Man or The Saint?

He wanted to treat people with decency
And to bring hope to humanity
He, The Man of conviction
He, The Man of compassion.

Humanitarian policies – He, The Leader
To change the world for the better
With passion, He dedicated his life,
Raised his voice to advance human rights.

To mark our 40 years of settlement
Without the giant Father, tearful laments
Leave “boat people” with an emptiness
Our hearts and minds filled with deep sadness.

He stood up for what He believed
His legacy forever in our memory
Is He The Saint? We wonder
No, He is simply Malcolm Fraser!


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