Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Road of Hope

by Archbishop Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan
Translated from the vietnamese by Peter Bookall


Chapter1 Departure
Chapter2 Duty
Chapter3 Perseverance
Chapter4 The call vocation
Chapter5 The interior life
Chapter6 The supernatural life
Chapter7 Prayer
Chapter8 Sacrifice
Chapter9 The Heart
Chapter10 Fortitude
Chapter11 The presence of God
Chapter12 The Church
Chapter13 Faith
Chapter14 The apostle
Chapter15 The holy Mass
Chapter16 Obedience
Chapter17 Poverty
Chapter18 Chastity
Chapter19 The family
Chapter20 Humility
Chapter21 Restraint of speech
Chapter22 Joy
Chapter23 Wisdom
Chapter24 Study
Chapter25 Development
Chapter26 Dedication
Chapter27 Renewal
Chapter28 New life
Chapter29 Suffering
Chapter30 A happy child
Chapter31 Charity
Chapter32 Ordinary Work
Chapter33 Leadership
Chapter34 Examination of conscience
Chapter35 Our blessed mother Mary
Chapter36 Hope
Chapter37 A life of hope

The Road of Hope

I haved travelled along life's road, where I have experienced both joys and sorrows; but always I have been oveflowing with hope because I have our Lord and his Mother Mary by my side. If our Lord were to permit me to choose again, I would not choose any other road but this. I have been happpy and full of joy because I have hope in the Lord and I have learned to love.

Today, as Our Lord gives me a few moment to be close by his side, I shall begin to record for you, as I have wanted to do for a long time, the experience of my life. I approach this task with feelings of humility. These are the words of advice of a father, a father who does not have anything new to say to his child. This father simply repeats some words of advice which truly come from the heart, words which so many times before has been gently poured into your ear and your heart in te midst of the noisy activity of the world around you. Be recollected as you contemplate these words which come from a father's heart.

It is my earnest hope that these simple thoughts may spread light and peace so that you may become an apostle animated with a spirit of prayer and a spirit of love. May the grace and peace of our Lord be with you on this journey of hope.

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